Category Archives: Muscle Building

Add Lean Muscle And Lose More Fat With A Weight Lifting Muscle Building Routine

You should think about beginning a weight lifting muscle building program if you find yourself having a hard time achieving the results you want by doing cardio alone. You can actually improve your body’s fat burning power and add muscle mass by beginning an effective weight lifting routine. Let’s investigate why gaining lean muscle mass is so essential and sought after.

Why Lean Muscle Mass Is Important

For men the rewards of adding muscle mass are obvious. Most men secretly want strong muscles and a fit body not only because it is appealing to themselves, but because it is appealing to women as well. On the other hand, because of the fear that it will make them look huge or bulky, most women avoid gaining muscle mass. This fear is unfounded and totally not true. When women gain lean muscle it makes them appear lean, toned and sculpted. Rather than thinking about looking like a female bodybuilder, you should picture the body of an athlete or fitness model.

It is possible to gain roughly one pound of muscle per week to your body. Because muscle burns more calories than fat, gaining this one pound means that you will burn roughly 50 extra calories a day just while resting. It’s a shock to most to find out that while sleeping or resting your body actually burns calories. The amount of lean muscle mass on your body plays a huge factor in the amount of calories that you burn. Over the course of a number of months you can see how this can truly add up.

You’ll Look And Feel Wonderful

In addition to increasing your fat burning power and your looks, a weight lifting muscle building routine causes you to feel great!

You’ll be in a brighter mood and have a more positive outlook on life in addition to the increase in energy and strength. This effect also increases over time. You’ll have increased motivation and more impressive and speedier results based on the amount of effort you put in.

Can you imagine feeling physically and mentally fantasic each and every day? This is possible for anyone to attain and is the ultimate goal.

You Have The Ability!

You can be on the pathway to a new body both physically and mentally by beginning a weight lifting muscle building workout. I invite you to give a weight lifting program a shot if you are not happy with your current exercise and cardio plan. You will look better than you ever have before and feel fantastic if you really give it a try and stick with it.

Your Next Step has reviews of all the popular fat loss & weight lifting programs including:

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
The Truth About Six Pack Abs
Turbulence Training
No-Nonsense Muscle Building
Fat Burning Furnace

Also, be sure to sign up for the 5 free fitness reports with great workout and nutrition tips!

Weight Loss Lifting Programs: How To Lose More Fat By Doing Less Cardio

There’s a big reason why most people don’t stay with a regular cardio routine. It’s tedious!

Even if you really want to lose weight, you probably wont stick to any cardio routine if it is boring and you dread doing it. A weight loss lifting routine is fun, different, and will give you bigger results than cardio exclusively. Not only that, there’s a huge number of other benefits to be gained from starting a weight lifting routine.

One big reason to start a weightlifting program is that it raises your metabolic rate. The higher your metabolic rate, the more calories your body will burn while resting. That’s right, even when you are not in the gym your body is burning calories. Weight lifting will also help you build lean muscle mass which, in addition to making you look lean, burns more calories than fat.

A solid weight loss lifting program will also provide you with more energy, improved posture, and put you in an happier mood. These tremendous benefits are often neglected. If you have more energy and are feeling positive about yourself, it is more likely that you will continue with your training. This all leads to increased motivation and faster results and progress.

In addition to doing your daily cardio routines, how about trying something different? A weight loss lifting program will enhance your mood, increase your energy, raise your metabolic rate, and have you feeling tremendous and looking better than ever. Give it a shot and I think you’ll be startled at how great you’ll look and feel.

Looking For A Weight Loss Lifting Program That Actually Works?


out everything you need to know about all the popular weight lifting
and fat loss programs online. User opinions, facts and product info.

Also be sure to sign up for your 5 FREE fitness reports from the authors of:

Turbulence Training, The Truth About Six Pack Abs, Fat Burning Furnace, and No-Nonsense Muscle Building!

Start a Weight Lifting Program for Killer Fat Loss Results

If you are tired with your weekly cardio sessions, one of the best things you can do to kick start your progress is to start a regular weight lifting program. Weight lifting is great for people of any age. When choosing a weight lifting program you want to make sure that it has easy to follow exercises and you also want to make sure that it has a nutrition portion as well. Keep reading to find out why these two things are so crucial for your success.

If you really want to see serious fat burning results, adding a weight training routine can make a huge difference, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. By performing basic exercises you will be in the gym for less time and get a more effective workout. Some great lifts to start with are the squat, bench press, dips, pull ups, rows and deadlift.

When doing these lifts, you’ll want to avoid using machines if possible. Dumbbells or barbells are your best bet and you’ll end up seeing results much sooner. The problem with machines is that they limit your movements. Free weights give you a greater range of motion that will give you better and speedier results.

You’ll also want to find a program that has a good nutrition plan. Many programs will show you what you shouldn’t eat and will give you many healthy alternatives. Try to avoid any plan that makes you keep track of everything you eat or doesn’t give you a lot of food selections. If it’s difficult then you most likely won’t stick to it.

Try to keep these two things in mind when picking out a weight lifting or fat loss plan you will see huge results and will have a solid foundation that you can then expand and build upon.

Click here to read reviews of all the popular weight lifting and fat burning programs online. Also sign up to receive five free fitness reports.

The Only 3 Things You Need to Gain Muscle Fast

The Only 3 Things You Need to Gain Muscle Fast
By Jeff Kalhoon

There are three key ingredients to gaining muscle. A proper diet and nutrition, a solid training program, and plenty of rest. That’s all you need to pack on plenty of lean muscle and get the body you deserve. By the time you finish this article you’ll have all the basics you need.

Get This In Check Or You’re Just Wasting Your Time

You’ve probably heard it said before that bodybuilding is 90% nutrition. It’s true! Proper nutrition and diet is the number one thing that affects your body and muscle building efforts.

One of the key things is to eat many small meals a day instead of the traditional three larger ones. You should be aiming to eat a small meal every 2-3 hours. That should give you around six meals a day to aim for.

You also want to keep track of what you are eating. You only need to do this for a week or so. The idea is to find out exactly what you are putting into your body. Once you know this, you will be able to figure out how many calories a day you are consuming and what your needs are depending on if you are looking to gain muscle or lose fat.

After you’ve got your diet in check, the next thing you need to gain some serious muscle is a proper training program.

You Need A Plan

A proper training program is absolutely critical if you want to see serious muscle gains. Many people make the mistake of just doing what they feel like each time they are in the gym. I’m sure you’ve seen the guy who just does bicep curls for an hour and then leaves. That is not a training program!

For starters you need consistency. A good training program should have you working out every other day. That’s only three days a week. Unless you are an advanced bodybuilder, there is no reason to be in the gym every single day. Stick to a regular three day a week schedule and your body (and loved ones) will thank you.

Another thing to avoid in your training program is isolation exercises. You’ll see far better results by sticking to basic, tried and tested compound movements. Exercises such as the squat, and deadlift will do a heck of a lot more for you than bicep curls and leg extensions any day.

Now that you’ve got a good basic training program going the last key thing you need is to rest.

Take A Break

It may surprise you but your muscles don’t grow in the gym. They grow outside of it while you rest and recover. Lifting weights causes damage and tears to your muscle fibers. It’s the repair process that causes them to become bigger and stronger.

One of the best ways to get the rest your muscles need is by sleeping. A full nights sleep will do more for you than just let your muscles recover and grow. You’ll find that you’re more alert, energized and happy after a solid night of sleep. The number of hours each of us need varies but you should aim for a good eight hours each night and then adjust from there.

So many people complicate the process of building muscle and weight lifting, but it really only comes down to three key things. A good diet, a solid training program, and plenty of rest is all you need to reach all of your goals and build as much muscle as you want.

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